Giving back to communities

At RBC Wealth Management, we are dedicated to giving back to the communities in which we live and work through philanthropy, volunteerism and responsible stewardship. We are very proud to actively support causes that our team is passionate about. We invite you to explore the information below to learn more about our community involvement.

RBC Open Range Wealth Management supports Boys & Girls Club of Cheyenne

The Open Range Wealth Management Group sponsored the 2024 Boys & Girls Club of Cheyenne Dancing with the Stars event. This annual event features 5 community leaders that compete in a live dancing competition as well as competing to raise funds for Boys & Girls Club of Cheyenne. It is a great event that helps support their mission to inspire and enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens. This includes the expansion of their STEM education program in order to start preparing Cheyenne's youth for technological success in the future. 

Cheyenne Branch Supports Friday Food Bag

As a part of RBC’s pledge to fight hunger in the month of September, the Cheyenne branch recently volunteered at Friday Food Bag. The mission of Friday Food Bag is to partner with the community to provide nutritious food to children who might not eat well – or at all- on the weekends. The Cheyenne branch helped pack over 1000 bags!

RBC Casper Branch Volunteers at Foodbank of Wyoming

With the help of some home office employees, team RBC Casper recently volunteered at the Foodbank of Wyoming. As part of the West Division Fights Hunger campaign, RBC employees volunteered over 1,500 hours in the month of September to fight food insecurity.

RBC Sponsors CRMC Golf Tournament

Advisors Diane White (not pictured), Pete Kline, and Joe Marek recently helped sponsor the annual CRMC charity golf tournament. This year’s tournament raised $108,000 to support the Behavioral Health services at CRMC.

RBC Sponsors the Wyoming Cowboys

Another fall means another season of college football. Team RBC Wyoming is a proud sponsor of the Wyoming Cowboys. Go Pokes!

Team RBC Supports CRMC

The Cheyenne Branch of RBC was the presenting sponsor for the Cheyenne Regional Medical Center Foundation annual charity golf tournament. Despite the chilly temps (40 degrees) the tournament raised over $50,000 for the renovation of Cheyenne Regional’s Behavioral Health Unit. The RBC Men’s team got 4th place!

RBC Sponsors Burns Day

RBC advisors Joe Marek and Pete Kline recently sponsored Burns Day, a local event run by the Burns Lions Club to revive pride and enjoyment in the local community. Joe and Pete entered Joe’s restored 1946 Willys Jeep in the parade and the car show.